Genomic of Prostate Cancer in Senegal: Perspectives in the Era of Genome Wide Association Studies
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Published: 25 January 2024 | Article Type : Research ArticleAbstract
Introduction: Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men from Sub Saharan Africa including Senegal and a major cancer related cause of death. Carcinogenesis involves both environmental and genetic factors. The aim of this study was to describe the advances of prostate cancer genomic in Senegal.
Materials and Methods: This study summarized and discussed the available publications on genetic data of prostate cancer prostate cancer in Senegal. The type and methods of genetic studies are presented and discussed in the context of the transition from candidate genetic variants to genome wide associations studies.
Results: The earlier results on the candidate genes CYP3A4 and SRD5A2, associated with prostate cancer in Senegal indicates a high frequency of alleles associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer (CYP3A4*1B) and lower frequency of alleles associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer (SRD5A2 V89L). The was also an association between SRD5A2 rs523349 CG genotype and T stage. PCa tissue studies indicatesNAM tumors exhibited the enrichment of pro-inflammatory pathways including cytokine, interleukins, inflammatory response, and NFκB signaling. More recently, the customized array for African men has allowed genome wide associations studies that shows a large heterogeneity in Polygenic risk score among African men with a lower predicted risk of PCa in Senegalese compared to other West African and South Africa.
Conclusion: Genomic of prostate cancer in Senegalese is at its early phase of investigation. There are several traits consistent with genetic factors of higher incidence and more aggressive features of prostate cancer in black male. WAS are suggestive of specific features of Senegalese men compared to other African and non-African men.
Key words: Genomic of Prostate Cancer, GWAS, African descent, Senegal.

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Research Article
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Mohamed Jalloh, Saint Charles Kouka, Medina Ndoye, Oumar Gaye, Thierno Amadou Diallo, Mouhamadou M Mbodji, Abdourahmane Diallo, Becaye Gassama, Cherif Dial, Serigne Gueye, Lamine Niang. (2024-01-25). "Genomic of Prostate Cancer in Senegal: Perspectives in the Era of Genome Wide Association Studies." *Volume 6*, 1, 8-17